Director: Kevin O’Brien & Jason Blanc & Anthony Santa
Producer: Vanessa Diaz
Editor/VFX: Cory Draper & Kayla Gremer
Director of Sports & Entertainment: Anthony Santa

WWE virtual production client

The WWE virtual production set captured the WWE superstars in their hero poses. Using the robot and cold sparks allowed us to create a dynamic, champion vibe. The cold sparks added energy to the slow motion of the video and highlighted the superstars as the main focus of this video production.

This was a full-scale media day! We created three unique sets, two of which featured digital LED walls. Our main virtual production set utilized a custom Unreal environment, incorporated seamlessly into our practical set. We had control over location, environment, and cloud movement, and perfectly positioned the larger-than-life Superstars in a larger-than-life roof-top rock show, all from the safety and comfort of a virtual production studio. Better yet, the talent could see the environment in real-time, allowing them to fully engage and embrace the moment.